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#49...Tara Whitney

Up today is Tara Whitney's Blog. (edited to add: I had the link typed wrong, so please refresh if you are getting to a blogspot wrong page. Tara's blog is thanks for the catch melanie!) Tara lives down in sunny and beautiful Orange County, CA. I enjoyed her outdoor photos tremendously, as we are still stuck in suspended winter here in MN (see my blog for a snow photo from yesterday if you like...) Tara's main website appears to be undergoing a facelift or some work at the moment, but I expect it will be back up soon, and you can see it here.
The photos on Tara's blog exhibit an exuberance and sparkle that I really admire. I am particularly drawn to her family shoots. They have a relaxed and comfortable quality that I see so many photographers strive for and miss. Its a true talent to make a family feel at ease and laid-back while you are also working to get great photos. I have a feeling that Tara is as un-pretentious as she appears in her blog, photos of her, and her writings. Hope you enjoy her work too.


Tara Whitney said...

thank you! this is totally cool. what you said was so nice. thank you very much.