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#48...Kim McCormick

Ok, at the moment (early Saturday morning) Kim McCormick is my favorite person. Her blog was submitted recently, and I finally (thankfully, gratefully!) read it this morning. First thing I liked was the couple of shots of marvelous macro work at the top of her blog. Beautiful!
But then, I scrolled down to read her Cats & Dogs post, and my husband and I were both in tears we laughed so hard. Now I realize she did not write the Diary she shared, but for sharing it alone, she is my favorite person. Thanks Kim, I really needed that! :) Truly one of the funniest things I have ever read, and if you find out the writer, please let me know so I can share their name!
Ok, so--once you wipe the tears of laughter from your eyes, make sure you move on down to take a peek at her photography. Love the birthday party shots too. I also love the live feed of who visits the blog. I am stealing that widget idea! ;)
I will say (I know its the slower season..) it would be lovely to see Kim update her blog more frequently. And yes, I know I am the pot calling the kettle black, as I have been woefully lax on my own photo blog. ;) Anyway, Kim works out of Brevard County, Florida and you can find her main site here.


Ellen said...

That cats & dogs post is hilarious!! My husband and I were rolling on the floor!!