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#54...Nichol Krupp

There is a lot to see on this lovely blog: Nichol Krupp.  Great words, great photos (love the twins!) and she seems like a great woman. I got a little lost reading through it all, and enjoyed myself immensely! (And that doesn't happen often, I'm a good skim-reader! LOL)

Adore the quote she posted from Marianne Williamson, on March 30 (scroll a little) ~so true and so poignant. Also, a bit below that, a wonderful read by Niki on "Art & Accidents".... I bet if you emailed her and asked really really nice, she would be willing to allow you to share her fab insights with your own clients... Whaddya say Niki? :) Her main site is here and she is located in Michigan. 


Unknown said...

Thank you so much for putting me as your featured blog of the week. I greatly appreciate it and to all of my fellow photographers out there...feel free to link to that ART and ACCIDENTS post that I did on there. The more clients that read this kind of stuff the better. All I ask is that you give the writer(that's me) credit for the piece. Thanks again and have a great day!

~Nichol Krupp